Welcome to LaLa Land

Saturday, October 28, 2006

New York

I Miss You NYC!
Let's go outside, greet the doorman, run across the street, pass that blinking red light, get a bagel on a corner and a smothie on another. Race down the subway, where are we going today? Downtown for a change! Let's try SoHo, do some shopping, spend some money. While we're there why not go to Chinatown, bargain for that designer bag! OK now we're loaded, rush down the subway, uptown again, leave our bags and go out to check the night view! It's picture perfect!
Let's go get some dinner. Don't look to far, just around the corner, Wendys', great! And now? Let's head to the night! Up and Down these streets. It's late and still the parks are full of people, just hanging out, playing some music, dancing a bit too, 'cus here you are who you want when you want, no one will stair, they just might applaud.
I know I could stay here forever, this feels like home and another 10years won't take that away!
I Love you New York, I miss breathing, hearing, seeing and feeling you!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


My special thank you goes out to you, who saw me when I was invisible. When no one else saw, no one else cared...You made me see the world with other eyes and to look at myself in another way. You saved me at a time were I was lost and for that I will always thank you. We've had our ups and downs, but you will always have a special place in my heart!
I know I've changed along the years, but so have you. I just hope that in the end we're both better people and that we never forget each other.
Any time you need a friend I will be here.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Where Is The Love?

While this happens all over the world: "1.1 billion people had consumption levels below $1 a day and 2.7 billion lived on less than $2 a day ", this is WASTED in Iraq:
The War in Iraq Costs $950,395,298,959 (this is a rapidly growing number that you can see at:
Why is so much money being wasted on war, killing millions of people, when so many are starving??